When Khulan traveled from Mongolia to the U.S. for her clinical rotation, she was looking for an opportunity to learn health system differences! What she also found was opportunities to grow her professional network outside the clinic. During her rotation, she became a new member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine!
Read what Khulan had to say about her clinical experience below.
Khulan’s AMO Story
I am from Mongolia, and this is my first time in the USA! I worked as a REI in Mongolia for 2 years. Through this rotation, I wanted to see how to run the IVF center in the US and what differences from my country. This is a great experience for me. I have learned many new things and updated my knowledge. During this period, I became a new member of ASRM and participated in the ASRM Congress. It was amazing.
Thank you for your support, AMO, and especially Coach Justin!
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