The consulting partnership between Alvernia University’s PA Program and AMOpportunities’ consulting services helped the school secure the affiliation agreements it needed to earn its ARC-PA accreditation.


With an ARC-PA site visit scheduled for September 2023, Alvernia University’s Physician Associate program found itself seeking assistance with preceptor affiliation agreements in preparation for the ARC-PA site visit. Failure to secure these necessary affiliation agreements would force the school to delay its anticipated Fall 2024 program start date.
Throughout the partnership, Alvernia and AMO worked closely together within the timeline Alvernia needed to begin its program on time. In collaboration with Alvernia’s Physician Associate Program Director, Department of Medical Science Chair, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Renee Langstaff, MSPAS, PA-C, AMO established Alvernia’s program with AMO’s training site network and identified sites that filled their preceptor gap.


Connected with AMO’s Senior PA Strategic Advisor, Mark Archambault, DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA, Alvernia sought out AMO’s consulting services to identify sites within the company’s vast network that could fulfill ARC-PA requirements, curriculum needs, and specialty and location preferences.
“It is a challenging time for healthcare programs regarding securing adequate, quality clinical training sites for our students,” says Langstaff. “I am grateful to AMO for their expertise and ability to assist us in achieving our goals related to launching a new PA program.
AMO then worked with preceptors and Alvernia to secure necessary documentation to establish the affiliation agreements and meet the ARC-PA standards. Through this partnership, Alvernia was able to secure enough preceptor affiliation agreements ahead of its ARC-PA site visit.

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