AMOpportunities coordinates U.S. clinical rotations for international medical graduates (IMGs) to experience life as a physician in the United States. Check out what some of our IMGs had to say about their AMO experience:


Internal Medicine | Long Island, New York


I had a great experience here with AMOpportunities. Dr. G is high. He helped me a lot throughout my stay and increased my knowledge by guiding me and supporting me as I performed my tasks. Overall, I had a great time working with Dr. G and his team.


Internal Medicine | San Francisco, California

It was a meaningful experience overall. I was able to see the differences between America’s health care system and that of the third-world. It was also a learning experience for me, observing how history-taking and physical examinations are done in the U.S. I’m glad that I was able to answer some of the physician’s questions, and that I can work towards becoming a physician in the U.S. given my level of education. The physician was a nice, a good mentor, and he was also amiable. I enjoyed the whole experience a lot and would definitely recommend the program to my friends back home.


Pediatrics | New York, New York

I liked the experience. Though I would have preferred rotating at an emergency room in a private office, I learned that it is not only about working with physical health but also mental and emotional health, too. The doctor is a figure of power and can change the life of their patients by examining all aspects of their health.

Additionally, Dr. O is an excellent professional and a wonderful person. He knows not only his patients but also the family histories behind them. I was lucky to meet him.


Check out our available rotations to start your AMO journey!