So you found AMOpportunities and are considering completing a clinical experience with us. The problem is you aren’t sure when to participate in one. If you come during the school year, you will have to miss part of your semester, and you could risk falling behind. If you come during your winter break, you will miss spending the holidays with your family and having downtime from your studies. We have a solution for this—a summer clinical experience!

The summer months of May, June, July, and August are the busiest time for clinical experiences at AMOpportunities. Many students choose to participate in one of our four-week clinical experiences in the summer and do so for a number of reasons. Continue reading below to find out why summertime clinical experiences are so great!


    1.  Enjoy Great Weather


With the U.S. being located in the northern hemisphere, the months of May, June, July, and August are the warmest. These months allow for more time to be spent outdoors. In the U.S., there are many beaches, lakes, and state parks where you can soak up some Vitamin D. The overall atmosphere of many areas within the U.S. change, becoming livelier. During the summer, there is sunlight further into the day. This means you might have some sunlight hours to kill after finishing your regularly scheduled clinical experience hours.

Participating in a summer clinical experience also means you may have a more enjoyable commute. This is especially true in cities like Chicago and New York, where winter weather can cause delays and make waiting for the train or bus a pain. In the summer waiting for public transportation is more comfortable, if not enjoyable.


    1. Participate in Seasonal Activities


As mentioned above, there are more outdoor activities during the summertime since the weather allows for it. Many states, towns, and cities have outdoor festivals, like state fairs. There are also plenty of live music events and farmer’s markets. Depending on where you visit, you may also be able to take advantage of outdoor workouts at local parks. If you do decide to participate in a summer clinical experience, be sure to research the area you will be in to find out what unique events may be taking place at that time.


    1. Be Productive and Have Fun


Our regularly scheduled clinical experiences are four weeks long, which means you can divide your time between work and play. In just four weeks, you can earn a letter of recommendation from a U.S. physician, explore a medical specialty, and test your knowledge. After these four weeks, you can rest easy knowing you have fulfilled a school credit or brought yourself one step closer to reaching your future career goals. Spend four weeks rotating with AMO and spend the rest of your summer break as you would like, vacationing elsewhere, or simply relaxing at home.


Want a clinical experience that is longer than four weeks? 

Simply fill out this short questionnaire to get in touch with an AMO advisor.

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Even while you are in your clinical experience, you will have some time to enjoy the surrounding area. While hours may vary based on the specific programs you apply for, many of our clinical experiences have hours during the weekdays. Visitors in clinical experiences like these have the evenings and weekends to spend as they would like.


Not sure what to do outside of your clinical experience? Let us provide some suggestions!

View AMO City Guides >


    1. Prepare for the School Year


A clinical experience provides you the opportunity to gain new medical knowledge and skills, which might be useful in the upcoming school year. You can return to your home country and share your clinical experience with your friends, family, and the rest of the student body.


Ready to start planning a summer clinical experience?

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