We can’t keep it a secret any longer, AMO is going international! We recently launched four new clinical experiences in London, England. These experiences are possible through our partnership with Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.

This medical network is comprised of noteworthy U.K. hospitals, which include Guy’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital, and Evelina Children’s Hospital. Together these three institutions make up the largest network in the country, which has been responsible for providing care to over 2 million patients annually for the last 27 years. Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust also have connections with King’s Health Partners, Kings College Hospital, Kings College Long, and South London and Maudsley Hospitals. For more information on the clinical experiences offered through this partnership, continue reading below.


Clinical Experience Details

Clinical experiences offered through this partnership are entirely observership and best suited for medical graduates. While applications for these programs are open, the first clinical experiences with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust do not begin until September 2020. Experiences start at four-weeks long, with prices varying based on specialty and how long you participate.

Applicants can currently choose between the following medical specialties, although there may be more in the future. To visit the clinical experience program page, where you can find curriculum details and the cost of the experience, click on the name of the specialty you are most interested in.


Location Information

Aside from our rotation locations within the U.S., London provides visitors the opportunity to learn about medicine and a new culture. Located right off the River Thames and across from Westminster Palace, the location of this clinical experience makes sightseeing easy!

Here are some ideas on how to spend your free time in London:


Still have your sights set on a clinical experience in the U.S.? We have plenty of those!

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