We love hearing about visitors rediscovering their love for practicing medicine. We also love hearing about visitors who find community with others at their clinic and step out of the clinic to explore the community they practice in. Carlos’ AMO story gives us a little bit of everything that makes a U.S. clinical experience great.

Check out the story of his general surgery rotation in Loganville, Georgia!

Carlos’ AMO Story

This is the end of the beginning. I just finished my clinical experience, and with it, I start my journey to pursue a residency in the U.S. This opportunity implied fear, doubts, courage, taking action, and persistence. It was all worth it. From gathering all requirements in my country to visiting a place where I knew nobody, I was unfamiliar with the culture, but where everything–despite the aforementioned–seemed possible.

Even if I think one month was not enough, I cannot put into words all the advantages I have personally and professionally drawn from this experience. I got the opportunity to work with three amazing surgeons who encouraged me to realistically pursue my dreams and even gave me advice. Additionally, I got a closer view of the American way of doing things in the operating room and in the office with the patients. (Which was very different than what I was accustomed to.)

Of course not everything was medicine. I deeply explored the city I visited, and my rotation team was so culturally diverse that I got to know many places around the world without leaving the U.S. Now, I know how to say “How are you doing?” in three different languages. I have also created a good camaraderie with outstanding medical students from the States and overseas with whom I expect to do research in the near future.

Finally, an event that I will remember with great excitement during this rotation, is the day when I was afforded the mind-blowing opportunity of scrubbing in for a brachioplasty. Under the supervision of an extremely skilled and fun surgeon and her staff, I was able to perform important parts of the operation. I felt useful, to say the least. This and many other occasions throughout this month reminded me of the notion of service and the implications of detail-oriented surgery. It reminded me why I chose to be a doctor and why I desire to become a surgeon.

Thanks to AMO for facilitating such meaningful events.